Boon Buzz: Data Privacy and You

Boon Buzz: Data Privacy and You

In our technology-driven world, there is nothing more important than respectful and thorough protection of online privacy, keeping your data secure and safe, and enabling trust. In January, we celebrate Data Privacy Day in an effort to educate and empower individuals and businesses to take action and protect their online data.

What is data privacy?

Data privacy, also known as data protection, is the relationship between the collection and distribution of data, as well as the technology, public expectation of privacy, and legal and political issues related to the protection of personal and company data.

Why is data privacy so important?

Your personal information or business information is just as valuable as the money in your bank account and it needs to be protected!

Think about your personal information. What would you be comfortable with a total stranger knowing? Your name and workplace? Maybe. Your address and personal phone number? Hold on a minute. How about your social security number and bank information? Stop right there!

For businesses, not only is all of that personal employee information at risk, but your client lists and important financial information associated with your business can also be exposed. In the wrong hands, your data can lead to devastation.

Check out this blog post for more examples of how cybercriminals hunt for and exploit data.

Data Privacy in the Workplace

It’s imperative employees understand that they play a key role in protecting company data. Here are a few examples of ways your employees can create a data friendly and safe environment:

  • Stay up-to-date and aware of all company privacy and technology policies.
  • Keep work computer updated with the latest security software and operating systems.
  • Exercise caution when working remotely and accessing work information on a personal device.
  • Practice caution when it comes to potential spam emails and be sure to report.

Personal Data Privacy

On average, 1.49 billion people log onto and use Facebook daily. That’s just one social media platform!

Consider that the average internet user is on multiple social media platforms. Factor in that many people are active in online forums and other communities. That says nothing of the online shoppers, entering valuable information and entrusting it to a host of sites. What about the app you downloaded so you could get your horoscope?

That’s a lot of data flying around! Here are some of the top ways to make sure your information is staying safe:

  • Be aware of how websites and apps are collecting and using your information. Read the user agreements.
  • When posting on social media, be mindful of what a post reveals and who could possibly see it.
  • Routinely check security and privacy settings on your favorite apps, devices, and accounts.
  • Only use secure networks when making online purchases.
  • Share information and awareness on how to protect your data.

Stay safe online!

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